What Effect Does “Noise” Have in the Communication Model?

What Effect Does Noise Have in the Communication Model

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Communication refers to transmitting messages, feelings, ideas, and other emotions between two or more people. Thus, communication is the key to understanding each other. But most times, communication gets interrupted by ‘Noise,’ which extorts the message we want to send.  Before understanding the What Effect Does “Noise” Have in the Communication Model?, let’s know what Noise is?

Noise refers to the unwanted signals that extort the actual message and interrupts the communication. Noise always enters either in the communication channel or in the receiver. 

Noise has not fixed frequency, no fixed pattern, or amplitude. Instead, the noise just arrives in the communication and changes the meaning of the message.

Typical examples of noise include:-

  • When Hiss sound occurs while listening to the radio.
  • Hearing Buzz sound during a phone call.
  • A blank page and sounds in TV during signal transmissions.

Effects of ”Noise” on Communication:-

If we simply say, Noise just interrupts the communication and extorts the message. But on a broad level, Noise has many effects on communication. So let’s have a look at them!

1)Interrupts Communication and Extorts the Message

The first and foremost thing, that Noise effect is the message we’re sending in a Communication. For example, you call your friend on the phone, and you say,” I’m not home, come later.” But due to noise interruption, the message received by your friend is ”I’m home, Come!”. 

This is how the meaning and purpose of your message are totally changed. 

2) Sensitivity of the receiver changes 

Sensitivity refers to the minimum input signal that is necessary to get the specified quality output. Noise affects the receiver’s sensitivity, ultimately changing the outcome or message that we actually want to send.

3) Receiver functions differently 

When the receiver receives an extorted message, then it works according to that extorted message. The meaning of the original message changes for the receiver as it reaches in a different mode. Like, explained in an earlier example, the real message is ” I’m not home, come later.” but the receiver received, ”I’m home, Come!”.

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So this way, the receiver will act accordingly and reach his friend’s home, which should not be done according to the actual message.

4) Reduce the efficiency of communication

Noise, as mentioned earlier, interrupts and extorts the communication and message. So it eventually reduces the efficiency of communication. In simple words, it takes more time to send a message to the receiver and then to understand the message.

5) Noise limits the range between systems.

As it becomes difficult to communicate in the presence of Noise, both receiver and sender need to communicate in more close range so that messages do not get extorted. However, this creates a barrier to communication in the long-range. 

So to break the barrier, noise needs to be either reduced or eliminated. Only this way can communication become better.

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These points mentioned above are made according to interpersonal communication that we do either through electronic mediums or through accurate mediums. Better means of communication and close range mainly eliminates the noise, making way for clear communication. Hope you Understand your query What Effect Does “Noise” Have in the Communication Model?

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